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Prietaisas laidų, metalo ir medžio sijų paieškai

  • Prietaisas laidų, metalo ir medžio sijų paieškai
    *Ši nuotrauka skirta tik susipažinimui su produktu. Tikrasis produktas gali skirtis nuo nuotraukos.

This detector emits electronic signals to pinpoint the nearly exact position of live AC wires, wooden or metal joints and studdings through drywall, concrete and other common wall materials. Once the edges of the target have been detected, the VTMVS2 emits audio and visual signals (LED display). The centre of the target surface is easy to find, as the frequency of the signals is highest in the centre of that surface. The VTMVS2 will find the centre of wooden or metal beams or live wires up to a depth of 2cm ±0.3cm.


  • power supply: 1 x 9V battery (not incl.)
  • water-resistant
  • operating temperature: -10°C to +50°C
  • dimensions: 223 x 92 x 45mm
  • weight (with battery): 250g
  • Prekės kodas: P-VTMVS2
  • Laikinai nėra
  • Kaina:


    su PVM

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