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LTE 3G/4G ryšio gerinimo įranga MIMO CRC9

  • LTE 3G/4G ryšio gerinimo įranga MIMO CRC9
    *Ši nuotrauka skirta tik susipažinimui su produktu. Tikrasis produktas gali skirtis nuo nuotraukos.

New indoor 4G antenna for evolving cellular networks fourth generation “LTE MiMo INDOOR”. It allows to realize one of the advantages of LTE – a MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output), noticeably increases the speed of data transmission. But in the familiar 3G antenna will improve the stability of connection, with the ability to operate in the desired frequency range and a decent gain. Has a connector CRC9 for Huawei modem E3276 (MegaFon M150) and many others.

  • Placing antennas: Indoor
  • Antenna Type: Communication Antenna
  • Standarts: LTE, HSPA, HSPA+
  • The gain, max.: 11dBi
  • Impedance: 50 Ohm
  • Dimensions of assembly: 285х140х160mm
  • Weight: no more 0.6kg
  • Connector type: CRC9
  • Prekės kodas: B-MIMOCRC9
  • Yra sandėlyje
  • Kaina:


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